A car tuning company wanted to rebrand their old logo as they set a new standard for themselves entering the field of car racing in the Middle East. They kept the original racing color palette of red, black, and white and wanted a modern style logo with a flat design.
Inspired by the rebranding trend of social media websites at the time and along with the theory behind a simple flat logo design as more people edge towards simplicity and minimalistic visual representations of things.
WRP Branding & Identity
White Ray Performance
What Was Created
Full corporate branding and creation of marketing collaterals.
The older Mercedes is absolutely beautiful.
It’s got that lovely purring feeling as the engine ticks over,
which you just don’t get in a modern car.
Adnan and Ahmed are very dedicated people in what they do; I have never seen their love for cars in any other human beings. It’s their drive in the morning and their dreams at night. They have grown so much since the brand creation and I am very proud.