Pizza Hut were ready to launch a new menu update for 2015 under the umbrella campaign “There’s Always Something New”. There had been many concerns in Kuwait at the time with the public constantly on their phones even when dining with friends and family or when their physical presence is needed.
Along with the international Pizza Hut deliverables required for the campaign to roll-out, we created a table tent that uses no technology at all yet interacts with more people just taking a look at it.
There’s Always Something New
Pizza Hut
What Was Created
Out of the Box Table Tent Design and Production and Annual Menu Revamp with all the respective collateral inclusive of activation full 360 campaign solution brainstorm.
There should be a fine line between
your social and digital life and you
should be able to make the segregation.
The goal was to make people avoid their phones while at a social gathering having food, and instead showing them all sorts of things that can be done for fun in Kuwait which would create talk on the table while they were waiting for their food.
We created a table tent menu with the shape inspired from the game “Connect 4”. Listed inside the circular holes were new things you can do or visit in Kuwait. We found out that the majority of the public had no idea about some of these unique things to do at the time. The aim was to create a conversation while dining at Pizza Hut and for people not to use their phones.