The gateway to deliver personalized promotional marketing messages down to each and every consumer

eCommerce Automation

Creating an ecosystem of purchases through personalized consumer relationships.

Digitized Business Operations

Tailoring successful relationships with third party enterprises to automate key business operations.

AI, IoT & Data Aggregation

Allowing the digital world to optimize a business with 0% human error and 100% operational efficiency.

Social Content & Publishing Tactics

From content creation all the way to an advisory consultant

Social Strategy and Management

From the brand positioning to the consumer building and segmentation.

Social Listening & Tracking

From highlighting market position & sentiment to direct engagement.

Here we go

Corporate Ease

Easy Step Banking

An online banking website that allows all users to get to their required pages using minimal clicks. With the system, the user has access to several pathways on single pages tabbed to avoid confusion and to avoid the user getting lost within pages if they ever needed to revert back to the previous page.

Surfing the Trend with

Ice Bucket Challenge

During the online hype, we decided to surf the trend as the first advertising agency in Kuwait to take on the challenge and nominate our clients and operational partners to do the same.

Automating Operations

Fresh Through the Pizza Hut App

An app to provide a new channel of sales as well as adjust traffic on existing channels. The app would lessen inquiry calls and provide more time for delivery calls and can also be utilized as a direct channel to communicate with consumers about the latest promotions.

Time with the Family

Assemble It, Drive It

A gaming application to raise awareness of IKEA’s delivery service while maintaining the target audience of the annual 2013 campaign themed as “Living With Children”

Gamifying a Teachable

Clean It KWIK-LY

A game app concept raising awareness of KWIK’s detergent products. The game is intended to familiarize the consumer with the product through methods of gamification to reach the objective.