Automak a car distributer, maintenance, and car license renewal company in Kuwait wanted to create internal corporate posters to showcase their mission, vision, as well as all the services offered in a visual representation.
I created a series of matryoshka dolls from an abandoned idea once roaming around the creative department that just suited this brief. Automak is a mother company of many within the local and regional automotive industry, and one where talent would love to be a part of.
Essence of a Matryoshka Doll
What Was Created
Posters placed in all internal buildings owned by Automak around the GCC.
Most of us are like those Russian nesting dolls, presenting a slightly different visage to the world depending on which world we’re dealing with at the time.
The below are posters representing the identity of the brand inclusive of the mission, vision, goals, and several services provided by Automak.